3 Signs You May Need a Water Softener
Are you noticing stains in your kitchen sink? Is your skin dry and itchy? These are both signs that you might have an issue with hard water. The fix for hard water is most often the installation of a whole house water softener . The installation of a water softening system will improve the natural life of the plumbing within the home, your appliances, your clothing and more. A water softening system are designed to take out an increase in calcium and magnesium ions be means of an exchange with either sodium or potassium ions. After this occurs the softening unit will regenerate and cleanse the systems of excess ions until they have been rejuvenated with new sodium or potassium ions. It is important to know the level of your waters hardness when setting up the rate at which your family uses water. It is important that the water you use every day is replenished in order to keep the build up of scale within your plumbing at a minimum while helpi...