August is National Water Quality Month
Imagine life without water. It’s a terrible concept if you really think about it. A life without water or a lack of reliable, clean drinking water is not a welcome thought. Those who live in certain parts of the world are all too familiar with the barriers to obtaining clean water, while others don’t fully recognize the scarcity of this natural resource. National Water Quality Month was created to prompt people to be mindful and preserve our sacred availability of fresh water. Earth’s Freshwater Despite water covering 70% of Earth's surface, only 3% is freshwater, with just 1% being easily accessible to sustain the needs of over 7 billion people. That's a hard fact to swallow, especially when you look at a globe or satellite imagery and see Earth primarily blue. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, more than 68% of Earth's freshwater is found in icecaps and glaciers, and just over 30% is in the ground. This leaves only .03% of our freshwater to fill lakes...