
Showing posts from May, 2018

Increasing Your Homes Water Quality by Installing a Water Filtration System

Health care experts advise people to drink at least 8 full 8 oz. glasses of plain water every day to stay hydrated. This is important because the human body is two-thirds water and without an adequate supply of fresh, clean drinking water your body will be at risk. Most homes in the United States are either hooked up to a municipal water source or localized well water. Unfortunately, just because the water source is supposed to be safe and healthy to drink, there have been issues in the past whereas one or more of the water sources like a water well was contaminated. If this is a fear you have then there is something that you can do to prevent your family from drinking contaminated water without any knowledge that it is happening. One solution would be to have a full house water filtration system or one that attaches to the faucet and filters the water before it comes out. Most water filtration systems work by having the water flow through some type of media material that is desig...

6 Reasons Why Homeowners Should Consider Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment

Many homeowners are looking into reverse osmosis water treatment as a useful method for treating contaminated drinking water.  RO is probably best known for its use in turning seawater into actual drinking water however, it’s also an effective way for treating water quality problems your home might be facing. Having a reverse osmosis water system in your home can reduce how much bacteria, particulates, and other common things found in contaminated drinking water so that you drink only clean water. Here are a few reasons why you’ll want to get a reverse osmosis water filtration for your home: High Quality, Drinkable Water Water that has been treated using a reverse osmosis water filtration system is totally drinkable and some cities actually use this treatment when there’s too much saltwater in the water. You’ll be able to taste the difference in the cleaner water since there are no impurities that will give your home’s water a funny taste. Increased Peace of Mind If you liv...

Troubleshooting Your Homes Water Supply

No matter where your homes water comes from, a well, a spring, or the city, problems can exist.  Individual water quality issues are fixed with distinct water treatment solutions . It is our job to help determine what solution will work best in treating and eliminating your homes water issue.  From hardness to foul smells, we have a solution to bring you high quality water throughout your home.  There are several issues that are commonly found in water throughout Michigan homes. Common issues with your waters quality: Hardness Foul Odors and Taste Mineral Buildup Acidic Arsenic Hard Water: Most often homeowners don’t know that they have hard water .  What they do know is that there are spots on their glassware, laundry appears dingy, increased usage of soap, change in the texture of hair and skin, increased energy costs , and scale build up on faucets and such.  Homes affected by a hard water supply have plumbing that tends to age quicker than those ...

Water Treatment Systems Improve Homeowners Drinking Water Quality

There are a variety of water purification systems that can be used to improve the quality of the drinking water throughout your home.  To determine what type of water treatment system your home needs it is important to understand the qualities that each system offers in increasing water quality.  Professional water analysis can be done on your homes water to provide you with a more accurate look into the actual issues plaguing your water supply, from rust to arsenic, your drinking water could be affected. Using the right system to purify the water in your home can help to keep your family healthy.  It is common knowledge that we need eight glasses of water or more each day to maintain personal health; purer, cleaner water dispensed from the faucets in your home help to increase the water that is consumed by your family daily. There is a major difference between water softeners, conditioners, filtration systems and purification.  It is important to understand tha...

4 Ways Water Softeners Improve Your Waters Quality

Water plays an important role in our everyday life and overall well-being, so it’s only prudent to ensure that we have a continuous supply of quality water for our homes, not only for our own good, but for the good of our appliances, energy bills, and of course our wallets. The most cost-effective way of improving the quality of your water is using a water softener . Why? Water is often described as either hard or soft water.  Most often your water is hard if you have had to call a plumber a couple of times to remove an unsightly scam build-up in your drains. Hard water is the most prevalent in many households, and it’s considered “hard” because it contains a high concentration of dissolved minerals and impurities, most predominantly calcium and magnesium collected when the water moves through soil and rocks. While they are good minerals for your health, like too much of anything, too many minerals in your homes water can wreak havoc to laundry, household appliances, clog pipe...