Water Treatment Systems Improve Homeowners Drinking Water Quality

There are a variety of water purification systems that can be used to improve the quality of the drinking water throughout your home.  To determine what type of water treatment system your home needs it is important to understand the qualities that each system offers in increasing water quality.  Professional water analysis can be done on your homes water to provide you with a more accurate look into the actual issues plaguing your water supply, from rust to arsenic, your drinking water could be affected.

Using the right system to purify the water in your home can help to keep your family healthy.  It is common knowledge that we need eight glasses of water or more each day to maintain personal health; purer, cleaner water dispensed from the faucets in your home help to increase the water that is consumed by your family daily.

There is a major difference between water softeners, conditioners, filtration systems and purification.  It is important to understand that water purification solutions leave valuable minerals in your water supply while eliminating harmful elements that may not be seen or smelt.  Hard water and smelly water issues are not solved with the installation of a purification system however common contaminants such as chlorine, cryptosporidium spores, giardia cysts, viruses, and pharmaceuticals are eliminated.

Not all water needs to be purified so it is crucial to understand the issues with your homes water before purchasing a water treatment system.  Water purification systems go a long way in removing common contaminates that may alter your health.  They can be installed so that they treat the entire supply of water throughout your home or specific areas where water is supplied.
Water softeners unlike water purification systems bring homeowners high quality drinking water by removing iron, rust, odor, sediment, and smells.  Softeners remove the minerals that make the water hard.  Some of the symptoms that your home could benefit from the use of a water softener is dry skins, smelly water, staining, and clogged plumbing.  Water softeners are installed treating the homes entire water supply.  Water softeners can use salt or potassium chloride using a process of ion exchange. 

The water treatment option that is used to bring you quality water will be determined by your water analysis.  There are times when a homes water supply will need more than one treatment solution to bring families quality water.  Hard water can contain contaminants that a water softener will not remove thus a water purification or filtration system needs to be installed either at the point of entry (whole house) or point of use (faucet).

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website https://reynoldswater.com.


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