Water Quality Association Executive Lists Life-Sustaining Businesses Essential for Covid-19 Pandemic
Undesser, WAQ Executive Director, announced Shelter-in-Place Directives for the
COVID-19 pandemic on March 20, 2020. Undesser announced that certain water
treatment businesses are deemed "essential” for sustaining life per the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
types of companies listed are; water
treatment professionals, manufacturers,
deliveries, and service providers point-of-use and point-of-entry (POU/POE)
water treatment products and services. Due to the critical products and
services these companies provide within the water drinking and purification
industries, they provide crucial roles in life-sustaining activities.
issued advisory guidance to state, local, and tribal officials on March 19
regarding the assigning of essential workers who are critical to maintaining
important operations and public works. The DHS labeled those within the
plumbing, electrical, extermination, and other service providers
"essential" who provide services that are necessary to maintaining
safety, sanitation, and essential operations of residences. More on this
announcement can be found here.
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