Your City’s Water Supply Could Be Targeted by Hackers
The following is an excerpt taken from the Wall Street
Journal by Dave Weinstein on Feb 26, 2021.
“I first saw
the inside of a water-treatment plant in 2015. I was conducting a site visit at
a municipal facility in New Jersey, where I was the state’s director of
cybersecurity. It wasn’t an inspection; the plant manager had asked me to
machinery had given way to digital systems, and critical water-treatment
processes were now automated. The plant required little human intervention in
day-to-day operations. Thanks to remote-access technologies, more maintenance
and monitoring activities were being performed off-site by a third party.
All of this
was great for efficiently, especially for the resource-limited operation, but
what about the risk? Optimizing for cost and speed meant connecting more
digital and networked technologies to the plant floor. Security was no longer
simply a matter of gates, guards, and guns. It had become a matter of bits and
In early
February, someone tried to poison the water supply in the Gulf Coast city of
Oldsmar, Fla. According to the Pinellas County Sheriff, a hacker gained remote
access to Oldsmar’s water-treatment-plant network and briefly increased the
amount of sodium hydroxide in the water by 100 times – enough to cause death or
serious injury to anyone who drank or touched it. Thankfully a technician
noticed the anomaly and booted the hacker off the network before any damage was
What happened
in Oldsmar fell just short of the nightmare scenario. The average person is
unaware how dependent the country’s critical infrastructure has become on
digital technology. At power plants, waterworks and all manner of public
utilities, special-purpose computers known as human-machine interfaces connect
to ruggedized-process controllers that regulate actuators to spin turbines,
rotate robotic arms, or, in this case, open valves to release sodium hydroxide.
wasn’t the first cyberattack against water infrastructure. In April 2020
Israel’s National Cyber Directorate urged all water-treatment companies to
change their passwords on critical systems. In 2016, according to a report by
Verizon’s security unit, hackers with ties to Syria gained access to a water
utility in an unknown country and managed to ‘handicap water treatment and
production capabilities.’
controls and a bit of good luck shouldn’t diminish the severity of this cyber
threat to public health. The plant operator was tipped off by a mouse arrow
moving across a screen and making changes to critical water-treatment
processes. But what if the operator didn’t have the benefit of a visual aide to
observe the hacker in real-time? What if the human-machine interface was
manipulated by malware to report ‘all clear’ as the hackers increased
concentration of sodium hydroxide to lethal levels? Would the breach have been
detected before someone drank or bathed with the corrosive adulterated water?
The answer
and the problem are inextricably linked. Detecting toxic water en route to
consumers requires sensors in the distribution network. Those sensors must be
connected so they can communicate and transmit data for either humans or
machines to take preventative actions. Anything that is connected can be
manipulated. Should we rip the sensors out lest they be hacked? Of course not. Instead,
we must reduce vulnerability by extending security to all parts of the network,
even those that seem beyond the reach of malicious actors.
‘I just don’t
trust those computers,’ the New Jersey plant manager told me in 2015. We should
all be untrusting when it comes to technology, but not at the expense of its
embrace. The zero-trust mindset made all the difference for the city of
To read more, check out the
original opinion
article from the Wall Street Journal. To protect yourself and your
family from chemical-laden water, contact the water purification experts at
Reynolds today.
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established in 1931 and is Michigan’s oldest water conditioning treatment
company. Still owned and operated by the Reynolds family, we take pride in
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Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative
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