Types of Salt for Your Water Softener
As being a home owner, certain appliances will need to be
maintained in order to keep your house running efficiently including your water
softener. Regularly, the salt supply will need to be replenished in order to keep
hard water from coming into your water system. While out shopping, you may find
yourself questioning what the best choice for salt is exactly to purchase since
there is a variety of choices to choose from. In todays article we will discuss
the difference between the salt options and help you decide which choice is
best for your softener and home.
Sodium Chloride Options
Water softeners or conditioners can be used with either
sodium chloride (most commonly called salt) or potassium chloride. When at your
local grocery store or home improvement store one thing to keep in mind when
looking at the bags for purchase, its important to notice the purity levels.
Many of the bags sold in these places will contain high level of water
insoluble material. This impurity over time can cause buildup in the water
reservoir or cause the water softener to not function properly. If you notice
this buildup occurring, the brine tank will need to be cleaned more often to
avoid this from happening in future. A closer look at sodium chloride and you
will see there are 3 different forms to choose from: pellets, crystal, or block
salt. Salt pellets are the most common and typically are the less costly than
potassium pellets. Like many things found in the consumer world, spending a
little more money upfront for higher quality products is well worth the expense
since this typically will mean less maintenance and fewer cleanings needed to
keep your softener functioning efficiently.
Potassium Chloride as Alternative
If sodium chloride doesn’t seem to be the right fit for your
homes needs, the alternative option can be potassium chloride for your brine
tank. Potassium chloride is 99.9% sodium free, so this option is great for
individuals who are looking to decrease their sodium intakes. The largest
disadvantage with this type is the price tag attached is much higher in
comparison to sodium chloride. It can also be less readily available when
searching at your local stores and your options are smaller. Switching your
home form sodium to potassium may require an increase of salt dosage on the
program settings value by an extra 10% to guarantee proper regeneration. If
needing assistance with this, Reynolds Water Conditioning technicians can
assist with this.
Salt Maintenance Tips
Checking your salt level inside your brine tank monthly is
recommended. If your system regenerates more frequently, more checks and salt
refills will need to be done more often as well. The salt in the brine tank
should be at least 3 to 4 inches above the water level, but less than 4 inches
below the top of the brine tank for best efficiency. If regular checks on the
salt levels are performed you will begin to have non conditioned water through
the household and will notice hard water by orange appearance, smells and taste
different from before. Be sure to loosen any hardened salt around the edges of
the tank or any large solid masses also known as salt bridges before adding
additional salt each time.
The experts at Reynolds Water Conditioning have a
solution to your homes unique water quality needs
including: arsenic,
bacteria, chlorine, rotten egg smell, fluoride, hard water, iron, lead, acid,
tannins, radon, and more. More information on our water treatment
solutions including water
softeners and conditioners, water
filtration and purification, reverse
osmosis drinking water, and iron & odor
removal can be found online at https://reynoldswater.com.
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