Michigan’s New PFAS Rules Among Strictest in Nation
PFAS, known as “Forever Chemicals” due to their persistence in the environment and human body indefinitely, saturate the water supply in Michigan. These highly toxic chemicals have been linked to cancer; liver, thyroid, and pancreas conditions; ulcerative colitis; hormone and immune system interference; high cholesterol; and a host of negative issues for pregnant women and children. PFAS are found at some level in public water serving about 1.9 million people and more than 11,000 sites. A Detroit Free Press article stated, “PFAS contamination is Michigan’s biggest environmental crisis in 40 years.”
Michigan groundwater is
saturated with PFAS chemicals at levels which exceed standards set by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Seventeen rivers, lakes, streams, and
ponds have “do not eat” advisories for fish; at least one county issued the
same warning for deer due to PFAS. The entire country is dealing with an
emerging crisis regarding PFAS contamination.
In an effort to regulate
this toxic chemical, the state of Michigan issued enforceable standards to
limit the amount of PFAS allowed in drinking water. These standards took effect
on August 3 and are among the nation’s strictest. This article by The Detroit News
explains the new regulations in-depth. Typically, the EPA develops nationwide
standards based on states’ adaptations. States like Michigan, New Jersey, and
New Hampshire have taken the lead and created their own standards without the
EPA’s involvement.
Since PFAS are emerging
toxins, many consumers are unfamiliar with the chemicals and unsure about how
to protect themselves from ingesting them. Thankfully, household filters –
specifically reverse osmosis and two-stage – are the most effective way to remove
PFAS from drinking water. Activated carbon filters are also beneficial for PFAS
Don’t have a reverse osmosis or two-stage filter? No problem! Call Reynolds Water Conditioning Co. at 800-572-9575. Reynolds Water was established in 1931 and is Michigan’s oldest water conditioning treatment company. www.reynoldswater.com
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