Are Pharmaceuticals in Drinking Water a Health Risk?
In 2008, the Associated Press (AP) conducted a five-month investigation and published
a three-part series documenting a wide array of pharmaceuticals (antibiotics,
anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers, and sex hormones) that were present in the
drinking water of at least 41 million Americans. The concentrations were minuscule
but left scientists concerned.
How do pharmaceuticals end up in our water? When people take
medicine, some gets absorbed by the body; what doesn’t gets flushed out through
our urinary tract, ending up in our sewage systems. Moreover, leftover drugs
are oftentimes flushed down the toilet in full-form and eventually into our
water supply.
Treatment facilities are not required to test for pharmaceuticals
or filter them out. The AP National Investigative Team sorted through hundreds
of scientific reports, meticulously filtered through federal drinking water
databases, visited environmental study sites and treatment plants, interviewing
over 230 officials, scientists, and professors. The largest 50 cities in the
United States, along with another dozen other major smaller communities, were
surveyed in the study as well.
“You have to drink water. And bottled water isn’t any better than
tap water,” said Dr. David Carpenter, director of the Institute for Health and
the Environment at the State University of New York at Albany. He said most tap
water treatments do not filter pharmaceuticals; however, activated charcoal
filters remove most chemical compounds.
Since 2008, little research or information has been published
regarding this issue. Follow-up articles are virtually non-existent from the
press. Despite the overwhelming silence, several scientific reports have
examined the human health risk of drinking pharmaceutical-laced water.
Surface water, groundwater, and drinking water across the United
States are tainted with pharmaceuticals from discharges from wastewater
treatment plants, septic systems, leaking sewer lines, landfills, animal
feeding operations, and crop fields where biosolids are used.
Seven human health risk assessments of pharmaceuticals in drinking
water throughout the United States and Canada were reviewed by the American
Council on Science and Health. “None of these studies reported a potential
health risk from exposure to pharmaceuticals in drinking water,” the site said.
The World Health Organization (WHO)
also conducted a study,
reporting that the ratio of pharmaceuticals in drinking water is so minimal
that they pose a low risk to human health.
“Concerns over pharmaceuticals in drinking water should not divert water
suppliers and regulators from other priorities for drinking water and health,
most notably microbial risks such as bacterial, viral, and protozoan pathogens,
and other chemical risks, such as naturally-occurring arsenic and excessive
levels of fluoride,” the article states. The site also explains that
pharmaceuticals in drinking water are an emerging issue, so the WHO will
continue to examine studies as applicable and update the guidance provided when
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