Lasting Drought Forces Reservoirs into Record Lows
According to the United States Geological Survey, some of America’s
largest reservoirs – Lake Powell, Lake Mead, and Utah’s Great Salt Lake – have
reached record lows, with more decline expected in the coming months.
Lake Powell’s water level has plummeted to the lowest level
since the United States Government began filling the reservoir in the 1960s.
The Western
drought is responsible for creating severe conditions. Lake Powell
stretches from Utah to Arizona and is currently experiencing a “megadrought.”
A 24-month study was recently released
by the Federal Bureau of Reclamation, which showed that the amount of water
flowing into Lake Powell had plummeted considerably in the previous six months.
With water restrictions already in place, they could become more strict as the
Bureau of Reclamation outlined a 79 percent chance
that the lake will fall below 3,525 feet next year.
Wayne Pullan, the Upper Colorado Basin regional director for
the Bureau of Reclamation, said, “This is a serious situation.”
Lake Mead is also suffering from historically low levels of
water. Both Lake Mead and Lake Powell are connected through a river system that
delivers water to over 40 million people. The two reservoirs are among the
largest in the United States.
A dam on Lake Mead provides hydropower for many Western
states; electric production from the Hoover Dam has plunged by roughly 25
percent as a direct result of the drought.
Utah’s Great Salt Lake has reached a new low due to higher
temperatures and a lack of rainfall.
Ineffective water management combined with the effects of
climate change has led to the droughts, which could potentially worsen soon.
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Written by the
digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:
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