Jackson to Share Water with Napoleon Township Thanks to $5M Grant


The city of Jackson will now share its water with over 6,800 Napoleon Township residents thanks to a $5 million federal grant from the Consolidated Appropriations Act. 

Due to limitations and environmental concerns about its own water system, the township inquired into this partnership, according to Jackson Spokesman Aaron Dimick. The new 16-inch water main will be constructed over roughly nine-and-a-half miles along M-50 to Napoleon Township. 

United States Representative Tim Walberg, R-Tipton, proposed the Napoleon/M-50 Water Main Transmission Project as part of his 2022 member-designated projects. 

Walberg said, “Having had many conversations with local officials and constituents throughout Jackson County, it is clear that Napoleon Township is in significant need of water system improvements as they are outgrowing their existing system.” 

There is no specific timeline for the project, but Napoleon Township will secure capital to cover the cost of using Jackson water. City officials said the partnership would not cause Jackson water customers to accrue any extra fees. 

Napoleon Township Supervisor Dan Glalagher said, “This grant for a new, consistent source of clean water will greatly help Napoleon’s future business development, enhance growth of the area, and provide a backbone for the community’s long range goals.” 

Jackson’s Director of Public Works, Mike Osborn, said, “Our water treatment plant has the capacity to produce 24 million gallons of treated water a day and we’re currently only producing five million a day, so our facility definitely has the ability to be a regional water source.” 

A total of 16 groundwater wells are tapped into for Jackson’s water, which goes into the Earth about 400 feet below the surface of an underground aquifer. Then, the water is transferred by pump to a water treatment plant, where it is cleaned and tested. 

Reynolds Water Conditioning was established in 1931 and is Michigan’s oldest water conditioning treatment company. Still owned and operated by the Reynolds family, we take pride in providing the highest quality products at a cost-effective price. If your tap water lacks the quality you deserve, contact us today at 800-572-9575.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: https://www.cpsmi.com/ 


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